"Solution for Certified Distance Training (FOCE) using facial biometrics developed by Reco 3.26. Computer vision and video analysis techniques, based on face recognition, are used to certify the training provided through e-learning / smart learning systems.

The following are the main applications of the FOCE system in the 'distance learning' area:

    To allow access to the e-learning platform, there is a user registration phase through which the system:
    - acquires consent for data processing;
    - acquires the information and the photo from the identity document;
    - requires a selfie type photo;
    - makes the match between the biometric model of the selfie and the one previously acquired;
    - if successful, it returns the login credentials to the platform.
    It’s possible to customize the solution by integrating the Green Pass verification and validation system.

    The system, throughout the period of use of the service, verifies, through the application of face recognition techniques, that the identity of the learner always coincides with that of the authorized user in the enrollment phase. In addition, it notifies any anomalies to the service provider (eg. Unauthorized person in the enrollment phase)

    The system allows to identify any anomalous behaviors that the learner might have during the course. The definition of abnormal behaviors is established together with the course provider, according to the specific objectives to be achieved. Here are some examples of abnormal behavior:
    - Subject absent;
    - Subject who looks away from the screen for a time longer than a set parameter and who is distracted and bored (low level of attention);
    - Subject who looks away from the screen by turning his head for a time longer than a set parameter (in an alleged attempt to "copy" during an exam);
    - Presence of multiple subjects within the range of the webcam (someone is helping during an exam);
    - Presence of a person other than the person being examined (someone else performs the task during the exam).


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