Who we are

The idea

In 2017, a group of young and eclectic Italian entrepreneurs, made up of computer engineers, economists, creatives and philosophers, used to meet in the most disparate places, from the boarding gate of an airport to the lido of an Apulian beach, to discuss the evolution of the IT industry and pool their creative ideas.

A “nomad

A “nomad" group

Between a coffee with almond milk and a dip in the beautiful waters of the Salento coast, they realize that technological innovation is the main way to anticipate market events and trends, allowing them to plan actions and corrective measures in time.
And what is not lacking in the era of social media, of moving images, of showing and appearing? Information in the form of images and videos.

A “stable” organization

A “stable” organization

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning mechanisms, they initiate an experimental research project funded by private, visionary entrepreneurs enthusiastic about the idea.
First of all, the founder of Parsec 3.26, who decides to host the creative and "nomadic" research group at his headquarters, transforming it into a "stable" organization.

The company

The launch

Reco 3.26 srl, was born in 2018 as a start-up based in Salento, specialized in the field of Artificial Intelligence applied to Computer Vision.

An innovative SME

In 2020 Reco 3.26 becomes an innovative SME. It is a solid and dynamic reality, with a strong team of engineers, computer scientists and scientists, professionals characterized by enthusiasm, a strong sense of responsibility and a great team spirit. The company is currently one of the top Italian players in the field of AI, developing customized technological solutions for private companies and public bodies.

The first product, the S.A.R.I.

The first product, the S.A.R.I.

In 2018 developed the 'Automatic Image Recognition System', called S.A.R.I., based on Intelligent Recognition (Facial Recognition), today in use throughout the territory for the Ministry of the Interior - State Police - Central Anti-Crime and Scientific Police Department national and in all the Italian Police Headquarters.

On December 2018 the patent was granted to the company in Italy, on 8 September 2020 the United States Patent and Trademark Office issues the patent for the USA.

The Social Responsibility

The Social Responsibility

In 2019 Reco 3.26 develops some innovative solutions as a concrete response to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, transforming the provisions of the Italian Government in the various DPCMs into technological products useful for Private Companies and Public Bodies.

The company proposes the use of Computer Vision and Video Analysis techniques to support the monitoring operations of means of transport and public and private places in order to identify and prevent circumstances of potential contagion from Covid-19. The effort is rewarded by ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanese) which, in the scouting phase, chooses Reco 3.26 for the monitoring and control of the platforms of the main Milan metro stations.

A company that flies high!

A company that flies high!

Reco 3.26 aims high, proving to be competitive in the development of Airport Systems.

In 2019, it develops the Face2Fly system, currently present at Catania and Milan-Bergamo Orio al Serio Airports. Using innovative biometric facial recognition technologies, the system allows you to verify the identity of the passenger, trace the passage from the various checkpoints at the airport and verify that he is authorized to access the boarding gate.

In 2022, the company introduces the Entry/Exit system, for managing the registration of non-Schengen passengers. Reco's EES kiosks are currently present at the airports of Milan - Bergamo Orio al Serio, Catania Fontanarossa, Puglia airports (Bari and Brindisi), Malta. These will also be installed at Forlì Airport and Umbria Airport.

A company that hits the goals

A company that hits the goals

Reco is a visionary company, it thinks big and acts outside the box. Its highly innovative solutions fully satisfy customers and allow them to be in line with the highest standards in terms of safety and risk prevention.

In 2020 it developed for Sport e Salute Spa a system capable of identifying, through computer vision and video analysis mechanisms, and reporting to the Police the presence of individuals alerted at the entrance and inside a stadium during an event.

In 2022 he developed for Poste Italiane Spa a system capable of identifying, through computer vision and video analysis mechanisms, and reporting to the Police the presence of persons with criminal or suspicious behavior at the customer's premises.

New challenges

New challenges

The company's prerogative is to accept new exciting challenges every day, presenting innovative and sustainable projects.
Reco 3.26 has developed the Logistics 4.0 solution, which makes it possible to improve the management of logistics services, applying the paradigms of Industry 4.0 in the storage, handling and transport phases. It has also devised and developed a system that allows to automate the measurement, which finds its main application in the textile and fashion sector.

In addition, for the customer Leonardo, Reco 3.26 it is developing a technology that allows to carry out an automated analysis of defects on particular materials (such as carbon and aluminum) used for Aerostructures.

The international growth

The international growth

The company aims to cross any type of border. Not only a technological boundary, perfecting its algorithms every day and patenting its products, but also a geographical one, establishing new and strong collaborations with international customers.

Reco is currently working on the supply of the Facial Image Capture Pedestal product to the Malta State Police. The system makes it possible to identify subjects through facial biometric recognition and make border control more efficient.

The planet protection

The planet protection

Reco 3.26 pursues the mission of contributing to the protection of the planet through actions aimed at obtaining healthy, protected and safe environments. An objective that aims not only to protect and bring benefits to the area in which the company operates, but also to act in compliance and protection of the environment and social communities through careful governance models.

As evidence of its commitment to the environment, since 2021 the company is committed to making its technological contribution to the project called 'Puglia Green Hydrogen Valley' aimed at developing the production and transport of green hydrogen on a large scale. The project aims to help accelerate the spread of green hydrogen, one of the main protagonists of the European decarbonization strategy, in the national energy mix in order to reach the Italian and European targets of climate neutrality by 2050.

GDPR Compliance

Reco is able to provide technological solutions that meet the requirements of the GDPR legislation and in particular:
- Law no. 679/2016. Italian law implementing the EU Directive 95/46 / EC on the protection of the circulation of personal information
- Directive 680/2016. Legislation concerning the processing of personal data by the authorities competent in case of criminal activities
- Directive 681/2016. Use of personal data to prevent criminal activity

The future

The growing demand for innovative and customized solutions, combined with the strategy of numerous countries that envisage major investments in industrial digitization, opens the way to new growth opportunities for the company in the field of AI.