Vehicle Counting

The algorithm allows you to count the number of vehicles passing through a video surveillance area in both running directions.

The algorithm allows you to perform, through a settable threshold, an accurate and real-time count of the number of vehicles entering or passing through a video surveillance area in both directions of travel.

It can be integrated into a system that allows you to:

  • detect the number of vehicles by direction of travel;
  • send a notification when the meter exceeds the "safety threshold" (max number of eligible vehicles) previously set by the operator;
  • proceed with the necessary follow-up operations.

The system can also:

  • automatically classify vehicles by type (two-wheeled vehicles, cars, buses, trucks, etc.)
  • carry out the total count of vehicles entering or passing through a video surveillance area;
  • perform the partial count of vehicles entering or passing through a video surveillance area in the two directions of travel;
  • carry out statistics on the influx.

The solution is plug & play and easily integrates with the customer's pre-existing infrastructure.


It's possible to manage different scenarios of interest, by monitoring the road sections of the City and Highways. The system is usually used to monitor the influx in restricted and / or reserved traffic areas.